Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I hate you.. ; [BGM: Chrono Cross OST - Quitting the Body]

Music: Chrono Cross OST - Quitting the Body

I hate that feeling, something that I can't tell to anyone. But..., that feeling still comes back again... and I feel it. It likes..., somethings that won't come back again as the old time. I really hate that feeling... hate it so much... .... Someone who I like,... is slowly going out of my heart... But I still remember him and still thinking of him... I don't understand... I'm focused.... I'm really going to crazy...No, people said that I'm already crazy for now... T_T I can;t stand it anymore... I always have to cry when I'm laughing... That feeling is very stupid... I hate it... It likes, that the one who I like, is not in this world anymore... I'm so lonely... So lonely... I don't know yet what I really want. I still hope something, but what is that thing? That feeling.... makes me really sad... The whole vacation is already going stupid. I just can't doing whatever I wanted. Just thinking about the old times, again and again. Why have I to loving him so much... Why did my heart to do that..? Why is it happened... I hate him, I hate myself... I hate it all... also my feelings...


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